josh's personal page

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You knew it when you first saw the name. Your search is now finally over. You have found, yes, the best place on the internet!

Important background information about me: My name is Josh. I know a lot about computers and, in particular, Linux, including the terminal. I want to learn a full-on programming language, and I chose Python to start with. In this important blog, I shall be documenting my progress toward the goal of producing a horoscope website.

First entry (2022-09-25): I officially started learning the programming language Python a couple of weeks ago. I set up PyCharm on my Linux desktop and my MacBook Air. I have been working through a book called Python Crash Course (2nd edition) by Eric Matthes, and I just started this course from Harvard: CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python. My excitement cannot be contained as it knows no bounds.

Second entry (2022-11-10): My work with Python moves forward. I have added an intensive study of the Linux command line on the side. I of course enjoy lots of online videos to help me learn various commands, but I am also guided by William Shotts's The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition: A Complete Introduction. I was given Dave Taylor's Wicked Cool Shell Scripts, 2nd Edition: 101 Scripts for Linux, OS X, and UNIX Systems, but it is too advanced for me at the moment.
